
Pablo Jarauta earned his PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad de Murcia in 2010. His work moves through different ideas such as utopian thought, history of cartography, cultural history of design. About this ideas he has presented numerous contributions to conferences and congresses. Among his main professional positions, highlights his residence as a researcher and professor at Duke University (2001-2002) and at the Faculty of Arts at University of Extremadura (2010-2011). Currently he is Coordinator of Scientific Committee of Istituto Europeo di Design (IED), of which he has also been Director of Teaching and Learning (2014-2016) and Professor since 2006.

Orientación: mirando a ninguna parte. 

Desde la filosofía cartográfica de John Brian Harley, pasando por el diseño radical y el situacionismo, esta conferencia asumirá las cuestiones que plantea el concepto de orientación en el mundo global y complejo que habitamos. Mapas, globos terráqueos, big data… el mundo se anuncia como un conjunto infinito de información que nos arroja a una navigatio sin puntos de referencia, situándonos como nuevos nómadas en un espacio multiple e interconectado.

Orientation: looking at nowhere
From John Brian Harley’s cartographic philosophy to radical design and situationism, this lecture will address the issues raised by the term orientation in the global and complex world in which we live. Maps, globes, big data … the world announces itself as a set of infinite information that throws us into a navigatio without points of reference, placing us as new nomads in a multiple and interconnected space.
Conférence, 20 min
Traduction simultanée en français