Veronique Munoz-Darde is Professor of Philosophy at UCL and also teaches at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research is principally in practical reasoning, ethics and political philosophy, as well as in eighteenth century political thought, particularly that of Rousseau and Hume. She has written on aggregation and numbers in practical reasoning; the transitivity of ‘better than’; the social significance of risk; the justification of taxation; the nature of regret and what it reveals about the role of value in practical reasoning; the nature of social goods such as universities and museums; and the nature and importance of the political ideal of equality. In some of her earlier work she pursued questions of justice of the family and the possible abolition of marriage and she has now returned to the cluster of problems which she labels ‘regulation of intimacy’.

Musées, universités et hôpitaux: la nécessité vitale des biens culturels

J’envisagerai les choix de politique publique entre financement des besoins médicaux urgents et financement de biens culturels tels que les musées, les Beaux-Arts ou les universités. Si je pouvais sauver une vie renonçant pour le restant de mes jours à visiter le Louvre, je le ferais. Par contre, nous ne semblons pas disposés à envisager la fermeture du Louvre pour consacrer les fonds ainsi libérés à la recherche médicale. J’envisagerai les explications possibles de cette différence d’attitude.