Barry Smith is a British philosopher and Director of the Institute of Philosophy at the Institute of Advanced Studies at University of London. He also co-directs the CenSes – Center for the Study of the Senses, an exciting multidisciplinary forum for philosophical and neuroscientific research on the nature of our sensory systems and perception. He has previously been a Visiting Professor at the University of California at Berkeley and at the École Normale Supérieure, and was the writer and presenter of the BBC World Service radio series, “The Mysteries of the Brain”. He organized the first symposium on wine and philosophy back in 2004, and then published the first book on the topic in 2007 (Questions of Taste).
In Vino Veritas
La table du banquet accueillera une dégustation de vin conduite par un philosophe qui s’interroge : quelle est la nature du goût du vin ? Est-ce que ce goût est objectif ?
Performance, 40 min