Teresa Marques is a philosopher at the University of Barcelona, where she works with the LOGOS Group, the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy (BIAP). She previously worked with the Law & Philosophy Group at the University Pompeu Fabra with a Marie Curie fellowship, and had held appointments at the University of Lisbon and the University of Maryland University College. She received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Stirling, after a master degree (M.Litt.) from the University of St. Andrews, and an undergraduate degree (licenciatura) from the University of Lisbon. She specializes in philosophy of language, and has interests in metaphysics, metaethics, feminist philosophy, and legal and political philosophy. Her recent work focuses on speech acts, disagreement, epistemic and deontic modals, pejoratives, dispositionalism about value, shifting concepts, social ontology, and on how political speech motivates social action.
How philosophy of language can help us navigate the political news cycle