
Todor Todorov is a Bulgarian philosopher and fiction writer. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski.” His main fields of study include: History of Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Social and Cultural History of Photography, Media and Communication Studies, and Media and Culture. His latest and ongoing research project is called: Re-enchanting the World: Media Distortions and the Minimal Self. Todorov is the author of two collections of short stories: Always the Night and Tales for Melancholic Children.



The Forgotten Science: Metaphysics between Alchemy and Prophetism in the Arabic Medieval Tradition
Metaphysics is commonly considered the highest theoretical and most abstract science, a science of generalities. Yet there are certain ambiguities surrounding its proper meaning and its final goal. In the Arabic medieval tradition, the main concept of metaphysics tends to shift from being towards intellect, giving rise to new possibilities, understandings and even practices. Those are the peculiar meanings of metaphysics that Western reason has obscured, forgotten or simply denied. Todorov will explore how in these strange dimensions where metaphysics meets alchemy, medicine and astronomy, it becomes a major anthropological, cosmological and definitely a political project.

Time: 1 am
Location: Cultural Services of the French Embassy / Ballroom