Barbara Cassin is Director of Research at the CNRS and President of the Administrative Board of the Collège International de Philosophie. Trained as a philosopher and philologist specializing in Ancient Greece, her research focuses on the relationship between philosophy and what is posited as not being philosophy: sophistic, rhetoric, literature. Her most recent publications are Jacques le Sophiste (Epel, 2012), Plus d’une langue: Petites conférences (Bayard, 2012), La Nostalgie (Autrement, 2013), Sophistical Practice. Toward a consistent Relavism (Fordham, 2014). Her editorial work includes Dictionnaire des intraduisibles (Seuil – Robert, 2004; / Dictionary of Untranslatables, Princeton UP, 2014). Cassin’s work has been translated into some twenty languages. In 2012, the Académie Française honored her work with the Grand prix de philosophie.
I Take Your Knees: Homer and Austin
“How to do things with words?” asks Austin. This question is somehow quite old. One of the first performative examples? is indeed to be found in Homer, when Ulysses meets Nausicaa. Cassin will try to describe what is happening at that moment.
Time: 9 pm
Location: Cultural Services of the French Embassy / Ballroom